The Winter Solstice 2022


The faint afternoon light in the backyard. December 2022. Photo by me.

Today marks the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year and the official beginning of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. The sun set at five-thirty-two.


It looked and felt like winter here at Whisper Hall and it has for the past two weeks with days of rain, fog and unseasonably chilly weather. I have enjoyed it. It was not much different today with an east wind and temperatures rising to the upper forties. The rain returns tonight with sleet ahead of the coldest weather we have seen in a few years. Temperatures are forecast to reach the single digits for lows and with highs only in the teens and twenties over the Christmas weekend. It is spectacular weather. 

A snowy, ice rose at Whisper Hall. January 2022. Photo by me.


There might be a little snow over the Christmas weekend, but I am not expecting much. We have not had a snowfall since the middle of January when it snowed approximately three inches.


Whisper Hall. December 2022. Photo by me.


I lit a candle in the den to mark the occasion of the solstice. The fireplace is likely going to get some use over the next few days too.


Black Christmas (1974)

Last night, I watched the first Christmas movie that I have seen this year. It was new to me, even though it was released in 1974. I might have seen it as a child, but I do not remember.


The movie is considered by some to be a horror movie, but I thought it was more of a suspense/mystery movie compared to what is considered a horror movie by modern standards. It is not a movie with gore, jump scares, quick edits and CGI and that makes it a good movie. I love watching movies from when I was alive and there is an absence of modern technology such as computers and cell phones. It is possible to feel the silence that we enjoyed back then without the constant chiming and buzzing of today. Every year it seems humans invent new ways to make more noise and intrude on our natural environment.

Margot Kidder in Black Christmas 1974.

Black Christmas, filmed in Toronto, is about a series of murders that occur in a sorority house over the Christmas holiday period. The sorority house is one of those older homes built to last with dark wood interiors and a handsome staircase. The snow and the glow of the Christmas tree lights make for an unusual, but nice and cozy change, for a murder mystery. There is good acting in this film, pleasant cinematography, some creepy scenes and Margot Kidder gives an excellent performance. If you are seeking something different from the standard Christmas movies or enjoy 1970s movies, like I do; this might be for you.