The New Orleans Flu

Thanks to Julie, my news anchor, friend and travel companion for this awesome photo of me on Bourbon Street. September 2003.


I've got what I am calling the New Orleans Flu. I caught the flu in New Orleans on my last day there and I've brought it back with me. It's been nasty and uncomfortable. It was enough for me to take a sick day from the office tonight. I rarely call in sick, but I knew I would probably just spread the New Orleans Flu to even more of Atlanta if I ventured into the office.

Granted the extra time I have been able to complete my new section about my trip to New Orleans. You can find it here (sorry dead link now). I put a lot of effort into writing about my three days. Also there are tons of photos that I took in New Orleans. Even though it was work to do it I enjoyed putting all of my pics and thoughts on New Orleans together for the site. I hope that you enjoy it too.

Other than working on the site I am reading a new book. I picked up Bangkok 8 by John Burdett at the airport in New Orleans. It's about the murder of a U.S. Marine in Bangkok and the investigation and mystery that accompanies it. So far it has been entertaining. I know what yaa baa is now.

Tomorrow it is back to my regular life.